Sprite pop-up menu

You can bring the level view back into focus by clicking any empty area on screen. Right-clicking a sprite on the canvas displays the pop-up menu as shown above. The options in that menu are explained below.

Edit Sprite

Edit sprite will allow you modify the shared properties between all the instances of this sprite.


Customizing lets you specify properties for this one instance of the sprite.

View Code

Modify event handlers for this sprite.

Edit Path

Modify automatic path of this sprite.


Copy the selected Sprite or Sprites to clipboard so can be pasted again on the canvas.

Send to back

Send the selected sprite to bottom of the stack. This means that it will be drawn first and overwritten by subsequent sprites in the draw queue.

Bring to front

Send the selected sprite to the top of pile. It will be drawn last and will be displayed on top of all the sprites occupying that position.

All Instances

Additional actions can be taken to multiple sprites at the same time.

In this particular case you act on all Sprite of the same type.

From the pop-up menu, select under All Instances.

Remove All to remove all Sprites of the selected type from the canvas

Mark All as Goals indicate that all Sprites of the selected type on the canvas are goals.

Unmark All as Goals indicate all Sprites of the selected type on the canvas are not goals.